snow shoe hike on wednesday

Enjoy the silence and winter landscape on foot. Get more out of your snoshoe hike with a guide from Beito Aktiv.
We offer snowshoeing in the winter season from December-April. Included are snowshoes,hot drink and poles. Snowshoeing is a simple and fantastic activity for those who want to experience something off the alpine slope or the cross-country trail. Book your tickets and check avalible days in the calendar here to the right.

Private groups

For those of you who want a guide alone, we offer snowshoe tours in the winter season. Most national parks offer goos snowshoeing opportunities. We are free to explore the wilderness together. The guide adjusts speed an length according toyouw wishes and fitness level.


It offers a unique way to explore the snowy landscapes and enjoy the tranquility of nature. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced hiker, snowshoeing is a great way to stay active and experience the beauty of winter.

For groups of more than 10 people, please contact us directly by telephone or email

(+47) 924 84 564