Terms and conditions

Booking av aktiviteter 2024/25 Gjelder fra 1.mai 2024.

You will reach us on email kontor@beito-aktiv.com

Terms and conditions

All participation with Beitostølen Aktiv & Skiskole, (Ski school, activities and education) is at your own risk. All cancellations must be sent by email to the company’s email address kontor@beito-aktiv.com

Payment is always required before the activity begins.
When ordering via the website, 100% of the amount is paid directly. The invoice sent through our accounting system has a due date of 10 days. An administration fee of NOK 80 is added to the invoice sent.
Tilsendt faktura gjennom vårt regnskapssystem har forfall på 10 dager.
Administrasjonsavgift på tilsendt faktura tilkommer på Kr. 80,-

Travel insurance
Participants should have travel insurance with cancellation protection, as well as coverage for the activities they participate in. In case of illness, travel insurance can be used for reimbursement.

30 days cancellation before arrival 100% refund
14 days cancellation before arrival 50% refund
7 days cancellation before arrival 0% refund
50% refund in case of illness.
The customer will be invoiced for the number confirmed via our booking system Bilberry. No refunds are made if any participants do not show up.
In case of “no show”, the customer will be invoiced 100% of the total amount, and deposit or advance payment will not be refunded.
In case of “no show”, the customer will be invoiced 100% of the total amount, and deposit or advance payment will not be refunded.

Minimum number of participants
There are some activities and group ski schools that require a minimum number of participants to be carried out. Eg. ski school group lessons and snow rafting.
Read what applies to each individual activity.
The following applies to ski school group courses;
A minimum of 3 participants is requierd for the course to run. 
A minimum of 3 participants is required for the course to be carried out.
1 participant 2 x 50 minutes private lesson
2 participants 2 x 90 minutes "group" lessons

Snow rafting / joined tours with guide will be cancelled and the customer will receive a full refund.

Customer’s responsibility for arrangement / event

The customer is responsible for unsettled participant bills in connection with the event. For example, restaurant/bar bills.

Unforeseen events

If Beitostølen Aktiv & Skiskole has to cancel the event in advance due to unforeseen circumstances such as heavy rain, wind or flooding (force majeure), the entire amount will be refunded

Beitostølen Aktiv & Skiskole can cancel the event at short notice if a guide becomes ill.

Activity booking for corporate groups/companies;

When the booking is confirmed a deposit invoice of 50% of the total amount will be sent.

When the deposit/pre-invoice is paid, the activity is finally confirmed. Payment is always required before the activity can begin. Payment is always required before the activity can begin. Payment is always required before the activity can begin.

Cancellation: All cancellations must be made in writing to Beitostølen Aktiv & Skiskole AS. Paid money will be refunded according to the following conditions.

30 days cancellation before arrival 100% refund
14 days cancellation before arrival 50% refund
7 days cancellation before arrival 0% refund

Tour operators (T.O)
Confirmation of received order will be sent by email.
Invoice will be sent after completed activity/ski school.
The order will be settled at the end of each month.

The invoice sent through our accounting system Tripletex has a due date of 10 days. An administration fee of NOK 80 is added to the invoice sent.
Online payment with card has no administration fee.

T.O has a 10% commission on regular prices unless otherwise agreed
No refunds are given for cancellations up to 7 days before arrival.
T.O will be invoiced for the number confirmed via our booking system Bilberry.
In case of “no show”, the customer will be invoiced 100% of the total amount, and deposit or advance payment will not be refunded.
In case of “no show”, T.O will be invoiced 100% of the total amount.

Beitostølen Aktiv & Skiskole AS
Pb 64. 2953 Beitostølen, Norge
Bank: Sparebank 1 Hallingdal Valdres

Invoice/Bank details
Send through: Den norske bank


a/c for international payments
(IBAN) NO8521350504483

Vi i Beitostølen Skiskole setter stor pris på at dere har valgt oss. For å ivareta deres personvern og sikre at vi behandler deres data på en trygg og ansvarlig måte, ønsker vi å informere dere om vår tilnærming til personvern i samsvar med GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
Våre vilkår ved å besøke og bruke dette nettstedet (beitoaktiv.com), godtar du vilkårene som er gitt nedenfor.
Her er noen viktige punkter:
1. Innsamling av personopplysninger:
Vi samler inn nødvendige personopplysninger som navn, kontaktinformasjon og eventuelle spesifikasjoner knyttet til skikursene. Dette gjør vi for å kunne tilby dere best mulig service og tilpasse undervisningen.
2. Bruk av personopplysninger:
Vi bruker informasjonen vi samler inn til å administrere skikursene, sende relevant kommunikasjon og forbedre våre tjenester. Deres personopplysninger blir kun brukt til formålene de er samlet inn for.
3. Databehandling og lagring: Vi tar alle nødvendige forholdsregler for å beskytte deres personopplysninger. Dataene lagres sikkert og behandles kun av autorisert personell.
4. Deling av informasjon:
Vi deler kun deres personopplysninger med tredjeparter når det er nødvendig for å gjennomføre skikursene. Dette kan inkludere samarbeidspartnere som leverer utstyr eller andre tjenester.
5. Rettigheter:
Dere har rett til å be om innsyn i deres personopplysninger, korrigering, sletting eller begrensning av behandlingen. Ta kontakt med oss hvis dere ønsker å utøve disse rettighetene på kontor@beito-aktiv.com
Vi ønsker å forsikre dere om at vi tar personvern på alvor, og vi er alltid tilgjengelige for spørsmål eller bekymringer.
Ta gjerne kontakt med oss hvis dere har noen spørsmål om vår behandling av personopplysninger. Informasjonskapsler (cookies):
Vi bruker informasjonskapsler (cookies) på vår nettside for å forbedre brukeropplevelsen. Ved å fortsette å bruke nettstedet vårt, samtykker dere i bruken av informasjonskapsler. 

Boat rental

    • The tenant must have reached the age of 18.
    • Rental with the intention that the boat is only used for fishing
    • The hire is responsible for the boat and that all passangers have life jackets
    • There must always be at least one able bodied person over the age of 18 on board the boat
    • All people in the boat must use life jackets on board
    • Life jackets can be found in the fishing cabin by the jetty
    • The maximum number of people in the aluminium boat ( Alufish) is 3
    • The maximum number of people in the fiberglass boat is 5
    • All boats must be moored at the wharf in the designated place
    • The hirer is responsible for the equipment you hire and in the event of negligence causing damage to the boat or engine, compensation will be required.
    • The area by the pier is used for varous events. Show consideration for other guests in the area.
    • Out door toilett can be found on the lefton the way down to the pier. (you get the code when ordering)
    • Take rubbish and fish from the Beitocamp and throw the rubbish in a container.

Time and price

    • The boat key hangs in the fishing hut and must be returned before 8:00 am
    • Duration; from 09:00 until the following day at 08:00
    • The price includes 1 tank of petrol. ( only day rental)
    • The tenant must purchase a fishing license themsleves at Inatur.no


Gapahuk, 8-kanten, Wildernes SPA

In order for everyone who visits the Beitocamo to enjoy themselves the camp must be quiet
From 24.00hrs until 06:00

Respect the national bonfire ban 15th april-15th september. Do not light fires in forests and open fields. Use the fire pit if you are going to light a fire.
Respect the nature in the area, pick up all rubbish and do not throw the fish in the bin.

It is not allowed to use the Beitocamp and the facilities for recording commercial films, advertisments etc without agreement.

Dogs are allowed
but must be kept on leash at all times.
Feel free to bring a long line. Show respect for other people and animals in the area, and pick up after your dog.

All tenants who rent the octogan and the gapahuk must clean and tidy up after themselves.
Bring rubbish and leave the camp in the same condition as when you arrived.
Tenant who have not taken rubbish away and cleaned sufficiently will be charged a fee of NOK1500/1000,-

The outdoor toilett is washed regularly, replenishment of wet wipes and toilet paper is done by the staff. The outhouse is locked with a code lock.

In the octogan you will find
Reindeer skins
Coffe post and pans
BBQ facilities
2 bags of fire wood
(extra fire wood can be ordered in advance for NOK110/bag or bring your own fire wood)
If you got Norwegian VIPPS the number is #695253
Oil burner
Broom and anti bac

  1. Notice there is no electricity or water in the camp.


Rental time Gapahuk/8-kanten
Day rental from 12:00 - 20:00
Stay the night rental from 13:00hrs Check out the day after at 11:00hrs

What you will find in the Gapahuk
Reindeer skins
coffee pot
BBQ facilities
1 bag og fire wood (extra fire wood can be ordered in advance for NOK110/bag or bring your own fire wood)
Broom and anti bac

Inventory Wildernes SPA
Welcome drink
shower soap
SpaCare hot tub fragrance
fire wood
Fragrance oil from Rento in the sauna
Drinking water
Sauna mat and pillow

Rental hours Wildernes SPA
By appointment, one session is 4 hours.